Details location
Hoofdmenu Medewerkers Details location
Hoofdmenu Medewerkers Locaties Details location

Some options are not relavant for all types of locations. Dendists and doctors only use event and activieties and users.

Manage users
Manage users, customers and parents
Manage children
Manage children. You can also manage children from a parent details screen.
Validate hour sheets for parent and Nanny's
Year overview
Manage and generate year overviews.
Planning, plan children and caretakers.
Events, Like days closed, meals and activities.
Different reports for the selected location
Generate and manage invoices
Manage room on the location
Payments for Nanny's
Times open
Manage the times and days the location is open for wich purpose
Details location

Manage users

From a location you can manages users that are related to that location. You can search, view and manage users. If a users is created when a location is selected the users will automatically get a relation to that location. If a user has a relation to more than one location you can manage this in details users. See Details user .

From a location you can only find users that are linked to that location. As root or user with enough rights you can search across all locations. By deselecting the current location in the search filter.


From a location you can manages children that are related to that location. You can search, view and manage children. If a child is created when a location is selected the child will automatically get a relation to that location. If a user has a relation to more than one location you can manage this in details users. See Details child .